I trained with Evolve for about 2 years. In this time I went from not being able to do press ups to doing weighted pull ups and deadlifts!

We started at the basics improving my core strength and balance which was building my foundations whilst working on my weaknesses and my goals. Then we moved on to more advanced exercises, where my favourites were pull ups and deadlifts but I also learnt loads more. 

Mat at Evolve focuses a lot of care and attention to make sure you learn lifts/exercises correctly so that you do them safely and with confidence. This has also increased my confidence when I’m in the gym on my own because I now know what I’m doing and understand the reasons why.

It took me a while to start eating properly, I felt like I wasn’t able to control my diet. However my strength had started to plateau and I was getting really tired after training so with Mat’s advice and encouragement I started to focus on eating how he was recommending.

Once I did this (with much encouragement and motivation) my strength skyrocketed and before I knew it I was doing weighted pull ups! And I was no longer tired… in fact I was buzzing! Then people started to comment on how much more toned I was looking and that gave me even more motivation to continue!

I trained with Mat twice a week and he also gave me training programs for days when I was not training with him. He’d tailor them to what I liked doing and also what I needed to do. 

He was also always at the end of the phone if I needed any advice or encouragement. He understands how to give you a personalised level of encouragement and motivation which enables you to get your results and reach my goals.

I definitely recommend training with  Mat at Evolve, he’s made me achieve things I never thought possible and taught me that I can control my diet. His knowledge on fitness is amazing too! He’s given me the foundations, confidence and ability to continue on my health and fitness journey.


Natalie Fox


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