If you’re ready to EVOLVE, you can get the ball rolling right now.

Your first step to Evolve

Everybody starts their EVOLVE fitness journey with a full evaluation. For us, it’s an opportunity to learn about you, your body and your fitness goals. For you, it’s a chance to get to know the people, the place and the way things work. And, hopefully, it’s the foundation for greater things.

An inclusive 30-Day Foundation into small group personal training to become the best version of yourself.

Our aim is to create more value for each member giving them great coaching inside and outside of the gym and a comprehensive package to get the best out of themselves throughout their initial 30Days.

EVOLVE isn’t just a gym. We put the members at the heart of everything we do, It’s a member focused community. We put our customer experience first and pride ourselves on our results and passion to help others.

We will help you:

  • Achieve noticeable results
  • Feel fitter, stronger and move better
  • Feel more confident and look better
  • Be part of a results driven community


What you can Access

12 Personal Training Sessions

Small-group Personal Training sessions with a dedicated coach. These sessions will be a blend of flexibility, strength and cardiovascular exercise tailored to your own level.

Resilience Fitness Sessions & Hardstyle Kettlebell Club

Get access to a extra 8 sessions in Resilience and hardstyle kettlebell club around your 12 Small group personal training sessions.

That’s having access of up to 20 sessions in 30 Days.

Our Resilience sessions helps you develop your fitness, measure your intensity through different zones, these sessions will also build better endurance, recovery into your weekly exercise and build your Resilience. Our kettlebell club helps you learn movements safely to develop your overall movement, strength, and endurance.

Initial Evaluation and full movement screening

Your initial assessment which lets us gauge your movement, strength, current fitness levels and flexibility. This allows us to ensure we can tailor the plan specifically for you.

Nutrition guidance

Personalised nutrition support to complement your programme making changes to your nutrition easy and simple as possible.

Weekly Accountability

Weekly check ins with your coach throughout the week to keep you on track.

Coaching & Dedicated Support

Your personal coach will provide support, education and advice throughout your 30 days. Their knowledge, and experience will guide you from day one.

Body Composition Analysis

See what your body is made of and how the training is changing it.

Beyond the Gym

Support like you’ve never had it before. We provide support and education through our private Facebook group. We also provide extra tailored programmes suited to your ability throughout your 30 days.

A full menu of membership benefits

You’ll get the same privileges as a full member, including tailored membership options via the online booking system. Where you can vary your sessions week on week to suit your schedule.


If you’re ready to EVOLVE, you can get the ball rolling right now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the questions below to reveal the answers.

We have a comprehensive plan to maintain a safe and healthy gym environment, including regular sanitising and ensuring ample personal space.

Click here to find out more.

No. Our members vary in age and fitness level. Yes, you’ll see some super-fit people here, but they all started somewhere. Your fitness goal is unique to you. We’ll assess your current level, personalise your programme and take it at a pace that works for you.

No problem. Many of our members come to us with injuries or life-related issues like joint niggles, back pain and post-baby abs. We have years of experience working with clients with a wide range of injuries in rehabilitation within the fitness industry.

Being able to aid and support them in creating programmes that work with, and ultimately improve, a wide range of conditions. There’s not many things we haven’t seen or been able to help people overcome. We also have access to external recommended services in physiotherapy where we contact on a regular basis if you have past injuries.

Don’t worry. If something comes up or you’re away for a few days, let us know, and we’ll happily extend the foundation period.

You’re free to choose. If you want to carry on and work with us to reach your fitness goals, we’ll suggest the right membership option and programme going forward. If you decide that EVOLVE isn’t for you, you can simply say goodbye. We’ll be sorry to see you go, but we accept that we can’t be all things to all people.

You’ll get your money back. No hassle, no questions, no hard feelings. The thought of forcing anyone into fitness is our worst nightmare.

Yes, where you train is up to you. You can choose to come to the gym, train from home or go for a mix of the two.

Yes, you’re free to juggle between at-home and in-gym sessions as you please.

We use a very flexible system where you book yourself into your sessions via our app.

We have sessions available at variety times in A.M/ P.M sessions from Monday-Friday. We also have a variety of times on Saturday mornings.

You can vary your sessions week on week, meaning you aren’t stuck to training at the exact same times each week (unless that works for you, which is totally fine too).


If you’re ready to EVOLVE, you can get the ball rolling right now simply complete the form below.

    Mat at Evolve focuses a lot of care and attention to make sure you learn lifts/exercises correctly so that you do them safely and with confidence. This has also increased my confidence when I’m in the gym on my own because I now know what I’m doing and understand the reasons why.

    Natalie Fox

    I would 100 percent recommend Evolve Fitness and Performance to anyone at any level.

    Mat has given me the confidence and belief that anything is possible with some hard work and know how.

    Jay Elkinson

    In the first six months, I was able to reach my weight goal – dropping over 35 kg (5 1/2 stone, 77 lbs). Since then we’ve been working on maintenance, building muscle and flexibility, etc. I have now reached my first year mark with Evolve.

    Edward Phippen

    This has really spurred me on to eat more healthy. With a nutriton programme that Evolve has designed for me, I have been able to achieve a huge improvement in my overall body performance and body shape.

    Nicola Hinchy

    I initially started with Evolve with the ambition to intensify my motivation for the gym and also to increase my weight. Within weeks I could notice a substantial difference to my health after doing predominantly strength work and posture improvement.

    Marcus Buchanan

    Since starting my fitness journey with Evolve I feel like a different person. I can do pull-ups and dips. I can do press ups. I have completed numerous 5km and 10km races, and 2 half marathons amongst other challenges.

    I’m now stronger, happier and healthier. Thank you Evolve Fitness. I really appreciate everything you have done for me.

    Anna De Piano

    Evolve Fitness did an initial consultation looking at my diet and lifestyle, current training programme and personal goals and objectives. From this information they built a bespoke training and nutritional plan. Since working with Evolve I have lost over 3 stone in weight and dropped nearly 10% body fat.

    Prak Patel

    I was recommended to Evolve Fitness over 12 months ago when I was overweight, unfit and depressed. They have now transformed me into a fit, healthier, slimmer and happier woman. I have lost 4 stone over the last 12 month and I no longer have problems with my knees.

    Glyniss Sluckis

    Evolve Fitness & Performance is really knowledgeable and passionate about what they do. They have experienced and motivational trainers, who works with you to achieve your goals. The sessions are tailored, well structured, varied and enjoyable.

    Donna Dalton

    My body fat has dropped dramatically and I’ve lost over 3 stone which I am very pleased with. My nutritional knowledge has changed a lot and I now know more about exercising correctly and the correct nutrition to eat to improve sports performance.

    David Corry

    After training with Evolve Fitness & Performance for just over 2 years now I can’t believe how much fitter and more agile I feel now.

    I am 61 years of age, I have lost over 20lbs and am now able to easily keep up with those who are 20 years younger than me.

    Andrea Tobias

    When I first got on board with Evolve Fitness and Performance I had a serious back injury. During the 6 months I have trained with Evolve, they have helped strengthen my back and improved my overall posture through learning corrective exercises.

    Tom Stephens

    Over the time I was with Evolve, I have seen a marked increase in my performance. I have improved my exercise technique, improved my overall posture and following the extra exercise programming I can now move better, my body shape has changed and I have also learned how to correct my weaknesses and programme for myself.

    Aimee Le Bear

    I came to Evolve after booking my wedding a year ago.

    I wasn’t happy with my shape and I felt really unfit. With Evolve’s help I feel so much better about myself. I feel stronger, healthier and more confident about my body.

    Becky McEwen

    I made the decision to change my life and start losing weight and to get fit. So with the support of my family and friends I embarked on a new health and fitness plan with Evolve Fitness and Performance.

    I knew it was going to be hard and at times really tough! But with Evolve’s help over the last 8 months I have lost nearly 6st. I also ran a 5k Parkrun in under 40 minutes something I never thought I would ever do.

    Paul Hopwood

    I’m 21 years old and I originally started training with Evolve Fitness to get ‘toned’. I’ve now been having sessions with them for over a year and I can definitely say that if I was asked me again what my goals are it would be ‘to become more knowledgeable and stronger.’

    Sigourney Pendulbury

    I came to Evolve having started a career break feeling burnt out and stressed. To add to this I had just 5 months until my wedding day. Evolve made no promises about a miracle diet but did tell me that if I worked hard and ate correctly, I would get into ‘the dress’.

    Emma Fairclough

    Every January for most of my twenties I have made the same resolution that “This will be the year I shed the excess weight”. After some initial success, I would find myself back in the same position the following New Year.

    I am now 3 stone lighter and my body shape has changed drastically. Clothes fit that I haven’t been able to get into for years and I am much happier and fitter than I have been in a very long time.

    Jennie Webb

    In 2015, I had an operation to repair my ACL, which I torn when playing football in August 2014.

    I soon got back into training in the gym, but leg work was difficult until someone in my gym recommended I try out evolve fitness.

    Anyone with joint injuries sustained from sport, you can’t go wrong with Evolve if you want to improve your condition!

    Daine Massey

    I started personal training with Evolve Fitness because I wanted to develop muscle, gain confidence, improve my posture and weight training technique and feel better about my body overall.

    Martin Pampel

    Evolve has exceptional coaches who genuinely care about their clients development, tailoring their unique training styles and nutrition plans to suit every lifestyle. Evolve’s detailed approach is exceptional but the thing that stands out for me is the passion and excitement which is evident in every session.

    Daniel Jones

    Mat’s programming has allowed me to increase both my strength and lean muscle mass, maintain low body fat percentage and get fitter, all whilst eating more calories than I ever was before. I have found that Mat’s insistence on proper technique and form whilst training has made my routines both safer and more effective, leaving me with a feeling of confidence when attempting more advanced exercises in the gym.

    Adam MacArthur

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